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Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Children; Equality; Disability; Integration and Youth


To ask the Minister for Children; Equality; Disability; Integration and Youth the number of applications received by International Protection Accommodation Services from each county from property-owners offering accommodation for refugees which have yet to be processed; if all applicants have been notified of the status of their application and of the likely timeframe for a decision; if the funding for the refugee programme is being met solely by the Exchequer; and if European Union funding is being provided.


Deputy, as of 22 January 2023. there are over 19,800 people accommodated • the International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) system as a whole.

In regard to your query, I can confirn1 that no offers from providers that are willing to accommodate international protection applicants (IPAs) are outstanding presently and each proposal is expedited as quickly as possible given the acute accommodation for IP As at present.

Unfortunately this shortfall is impacting on the single male cohort in particular as a large volume of accommodation providers make offers for family configurations more so than single males.

All offers of accommodation for IP As are in the process of being evaluated for use from the moment an offer is received.

In regard to your query relating to applicants with offers of accommodation being notified of the status of their application, there is an ongoing appraisal and agreement of terms process that is not subject to delay currently. However, delays may occur with respect to the timelines for delivery encountered by accommodation providers on commercial leasing or ownership arrangements being engaged in by providers or through building or refurbishment practicalities. This is in the control of the contractor rather than this department. The International Protection Procurement Service (IPPS) works diligently at all tit es with providers to expedite these projects in as far as it can.

In relation to the funding of IPAS accommodation and ancillary services, this • s met solely by the Exchequer presently.

I trust this information clarifies the matter.

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